Sunday 23 November 2008

Questionnaire analysis

After collecting feedback from my questionnaires I obtained beneficial information to aid me with producing my magazine. I distributed ten questionnaires with ten questions (seven closed questions, three open questions). I tried to limit the amount of open questions as it is easier to analyse the answers, it makes the answers clearer and the participants are more likely to fill it out.
The majority of the participants were aged 17-19. This means that my magazine will be aimed at this age range because an there wasn’t an equal number of 14-16 year olds as there were 17-19 year olds.
The third question on my questionnaire: ‘What magazines do you currently purchase, or are interested in?’ this question provided me with a variety of answers that gave me a better idea of what consumers prefer to read. It would be useful for me to look into the magazines mentioned The sixth question on my questionnaire: ‘What type of stories/articles would you like/expect to read about or see in a music magazine? (New music, artists/bands, certain lyrics etc)’. This question is slightly ambiguous between an open and closed question because following the question are example answers which influences participants. The results concluded with the majority wanting to see and read about new music and new artists. Before I carried out this survey I was unsure about whether my target audience would take interest in new artists, however having such a positive feedback I have decided to include these features in my magazine as it could also increase my magazines popularity.
The tenth question on my questionnaire: ‘On a magazine front cover what is the first thing that you look for? Or the first thing that catches your eye?’ I asked this question because I wanted to find out what features on a magazine front cover that would most appeal to the audience. This question is useful because the results give me a clear idea of what consumers will look for. The majority answered that the primary thing they appear to look for is the person (celebrity) on the front cover. Therefore when designing my front cover and when taking photographs I will have to carefully select who will be on the front cover and the image that will be displayed.

The Hip-hop and R&B genre appears to be favourite amongst the participants. Before I obtained this feedback, I planned to base the genre of my magazine on hip-hop, garage, pop and R&B combined. These results have helped me decide on the genre I should use. Instead I am going to base my magazine on the participants favourite genres-Hip-hop & R&B and a small portion of Garage and Funky House.
It seems that it is difficult for a magazine to be combined with four different genres.

I made the assumption that a fortnightly magazine would cost around £1.10-£1.70. However from these results the majority of participants revealed that they would be willing to pay around £1.80-£2.40. Therefore I have decided to price my magazine at £2.20 because it is the median price between £1.80 and £2.40.

The participants have indicated that they would be most persuaded to purchase the first issue of my magazine if it was sold with the offer of a free CD. Secondly, they would also be persuaded by a special low price and the option of free posters. This information gives me a clearer of idea of what to include in my magazine promotion, things which would most appeal to my target audience.

The results from this question vary.
The answers are not obviously clear as there is not one precise outstanding colour that would appeal to the target audience. There for the front cover of my magazine I will use blue, red, violet and green (other) as my colour scheme. Hopefully this range of colours will appeal to the audience.

The feedback from this question confirms my colour scheme idea in the previous question. The vast majority claimed that the colours on the front cover of a magazine would influence their decision on purchasing it. Therefore I will pursue an appropriate colour scheme in order to influence the audience’s decision to purchase my magazine.

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