Monday 19 January 2009

800 Word Article

3 Kickz are a new girl band recently formed by Martin Ruth. if you haven’t already heard of them They first emerged when the music producer saw their potential at a club in Wandsworth. Ayanna, Godda and Elizabeth were not an official group. Fortunes arose when the three hopefuls just happened to be at the right place at the right time. Martine Ruth and Daisy Fletch arrived at club cooly’s on a celebratory night out, little did they know what was around the corner waiting to pounce.
Ayanna Moreese started off as a hair-dresser in Pimlico. Life was plain and simple, a hairdresser by day, singer by night. Goda Zchechysvie spent her life teaching street dance to youths in her local community. Her singing life was kept secret from friends and family, until now. Elizabeth Rebeyio was simply a library assistant in Streatham-she too, kept her double life quiet. All three girls are of the youthful age of 19, who led very diverse lives yet possess one thing in common - the rare ability to sing. Ayanna is the lead singer in the group and named their stage group ‘3 Kickz’. since signing up to work with Martin Ruth he has pledged to keep the name for the girl band. He claims that he didn’t want to change anything about them - everything was perfect, the only alternative was a chance for more of a variety of people to hear their music.
However, critics have already made an attempt to hinder 3 Kickz career by discrediting their band name and music:

‘A new girl band cannot be successful by simply copying another. The ‘new’ girl band ‘3 Kickz’ clearly used a similar band name to ‘U Chickz’ and have imitated songs by ‘U Chickz’. this is a discusting act on jealousy, thus attempt of jeopardy will backfire!’

After the girls’ first single release last week hit the roofs at record stores across the Uk with a booming 21,000 sales. ‘Love is’ is just the first of many other songs by this newly formed group. The momentum is unstoppable as their popularity begins to increase day after day.
3 Kickz are have been caught roaming around, creating quite a stir with surprise performances in a variety of clubs and pubs around south-west London. It has been reported that the stunt was organised by their former co-agent Daisy Fletch, who believed that this practical approach of publicising is authentic and original. A technique of ‘gaining face’ and introducing themselves personally to their fans, plus giving people a deeper insight into what ‘real pop stars’ are like. These sneaky performances also give the impression that they are not ‘money-grabbers’ or ‘one hit wonders’ - it shows a clear difference in their values and aims which is why success is expected through their acts of determination.
‘3 times 3’ their first official album to be released on the 15th December 2009 is expected to be such a knock-out Ministry of Sound has vouched to spend £10,000 to fund extra CD copies of the album - A risky act of confidence that will hopefully pay off - literally.
Their up-coming tour in October was announced publicly yesterday by their agent Martin Ruth:

‘3-Kickz have burst through the charts to the top 10 , an outstanding achievement for a newly formed band in the space of 2 weeks-you can be sure to see them at the O2 arena in London from the 16th-21st December 2009 at 7-10pm, Don’t miss out, Ticket prices start at £20.00 at the box office from the 5th July.’

Ruth was adamant that the girls performance will be world-class and an ’explosive’ experience. The response and support received from all their supporters have been immense. The building blocks for a successful girl band, this is only the beginning - keep them ears opened.

1. After the storm-breaking sales of your first single ‘Love Is’ I’m sure you must be ecstatic about your album release in December?
Ayanna: Without a doubt! Its been an exciting time, hectic and wild. I speak for all of us when I say that we never thought that the response from people and the gaining of fans would come this quickly. We get recognised on the high street and people have claimed to love our music Like wow! Its crazy. I couldn’t believe the sale-rates of our single, I mean its not even an album and people have rushed out to buy it. We’re all anxious about our album release if its anything like our single, then were in for a treat.

2. Tell us about your up-coming tour in London, rumour has it that you’ll be performing at the O2 arena?
Elizabeth: Yes (they laugh) the rumours are correct. We’re really looking forward to out London tour, its going to be an utmost honour to begin our tour in at the heart of where we all began. There will be performances all over London including the Excel centre, Wembley arena, London Arena and the O2 arena. The O2 arena performances are open for 6 days and already tickets have been reserved!

3. Just out of interest, what’s the story behind your band name ‘3 Kickz’?
Ayanna: I named the band from the first time we sang together, we were known in club cooly’s in Wandsworth for 1 year. I saw that we had a spark from the first time on stage each one of us gave 100% and showed true desire. The name simply portrays our equality and loyalty to one another as we stick together and can break through anything.

4. Who are/were your inspirations to follow your dreams?
Ayanna: I Wouldn’t say as a whole we had an inspirtion but individually. Being in a group we were already living our dream, making it to the ‘big time’ was never our plan. Mariah Carey is my inspiration a successful youth that has progressed so much over the years, and even now in her maturity she is still a striving, successful woman who doesn’t give up.
Godda: My Inspiration is Alicia Keys, a dedicated singer and musician who combined both talents that led her to success, relating to my dance skills and singing potential.
Elizabeth: Girls Aloud are my inspiration, a unstoppable band that is not afraid to try new styles. Each band member possess’ their own image and link together their individual voices, which make them unique.

5. Recently, critics have described your band as ‘copying’ your rivalry girl band ‘U Chicks’, what are your reactions to their comments?
Godda: All of us, including our agents were ‘gob smacked!’ wrong bold statements were made and personally I was quite angry, they had no right falsely accusing us of copying U Chickz and announcing that we are rivals which is not true. In all honesty we didn’t even know who U Chickz were until all this commotion started.

6. Critics also say: ‘3 Kickz can’t think of their own songs to write resulting to them imitating ‘U Chicks’ how did those opinionated comments make you feel?
Godda: I’m too angry to answer this question! Anny take over please.
Ayanna: Well its obviously annoying and frustrating that people make time to write this rubbish. I wish people would take the time to actually find out the truth instead of attention seeking just to make a bit of money. Although, we are definitely not going to retaliate to childish acts. But one thing I will say aimed at those critics is that was a pathetic attempt to create a dispute, I’m sorry you failed miserably!

7. Sticking to the topic of U Chicks, last month they have publicly said that they genuinely dislike you and have nothing in common and are certain that you won‘t be successful - what are your thoughts about that?
Elizabeth: You know what most of all were all quite disappointed at them (if they actually said it at all). it’s a dangerous thing wishing bad on other people so I would be careful in what I say. People are entitled to their opinion, it all just makes me laugh how they busy themselves in making bitchy statements aimed at us. Its actually quite sad, but I’m not angry life’s for living and I’m enjoying the ride. These comments don’t affect me.

8. On a brighter note, I hear you’re just in the middle of recording a duet with teen favourite Chris Brown?
Ayanna: Oh Yes! Were definitely extremely excited about the outcome. Chris brown is like a total legend in our eyes.
Elizabeth: (laughs) Its just so weird singing not only in the same place but together with someone we look up to, Do you Know What i Mean? Its crazy, it feels like a dream that I never wanna wake up from (all laugh).

9. Will we be expecting that track on your new album in December?
Godda: umm its hard to say but I really hope so, who wouldn’t? Were still putting together the album content at the moment. Its really unpredictable which is the best thing about us. Don’t be surprised if there are other duets of some kind on there (she winks at the other two).

10. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to us, just one final question - 3 Kickz have been seriously ‘Kicking!’-why did you decide to organise secret performances?
Ayanna: Your very welcome, whenever, wherever. The surprise performances was Lizzy’s (Elizabeth) idea that she took up to our agent Daisy. After consideration we all decided to go for it, it really was successful and worked both ways.
Elizabeth: we had nothing to loose, we just wanted to show a variety of people who we are and what we’re capable of.
Godda: performing in front of people in clubs is all we knew a few months ago and we wanted to show that we haven’t lost that same spark we had from the very first day. We also wanted to show that we haven’t changed and we’ll never discard where we started from.
3 Kickz: We are good singers and its what we enjoy doing, we gained much support and response from the people of London which is much appreciated. We don’t want to hide who we are.

1 comment:

JML said...

A good first attempt. The interview section is the best part, very relaxed and interesting. The opening section tends to get a bit boring. Think about how you can make it more personal. Place the audience in a context. Where is the interview taking place? What have the girls been doing previous to this interview? What is their state of mind? You don't need to give so much information about their career, we can assume that the audience already have some of this knowledge. The audience will want some more personal information about their day to day lives. Think about how you can adapt your opening paragraphs to make it more personal.